Throughout the Gospels, Jesus showed how much He cared for children. When some people brought their children to see Jesus, the apostles tried to keep them away. But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” Matthew 19:14. Then Jesus took the children in His arms and blessed them. We strive to follow His example by loving the children and bringing them to Jesus.
We teach a gospel-centred worldview with specific applications that will help the students interpret life. We want them to understand how what God values usually conflicts with what the world values. For example, God says to love and care about your neighbour while the world says to focus on yourself. We will provide real-life experiences for the students to love and serve others. We will allow time for group activities and relationship building in all of our programs.
Holidays like Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day are special days for the Sunday School students. They have the opportunity to be an integral part of the worship service. They recite poems, sing songs, and play their musical instruments.
“And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward” Matthew 10:42.
Sunday school
Available for children ages 3 to Grade 6. We sing songs, pray and learn from the Bible. Here, for example, the children encounter the Ten Commandments, the Fruit of the Spirit, the Plan of Salvation, God’s love for all people, heroes of the Bible such as David and Ruth, and lessons from the life of Jesus.
- One Sunday, we start all together in the sanctuary at 10 am, and then after the introduction, the children leave for Sunday School during the sermon (10:30-11:15am).
- The next week, Sunday School takes place after the service from 11:15-noon. Coffee and a time of fellowship are available for anyone who would like to stay until the children are dismissed. We trust that this will be a good time to enjoy a coffee from the Cafe, make connections, and engage in meaningful discussions.
Disciples Equipped for Life, Transformation and Action is a Children’s Bible Club held on seasonally on Friday evenings for students in grades 1 to 6.
Delta is an interactive time of age-appropriate, participative Bible exploration, worship time, Bible memory, and a wide variety of skill-building activities and games/sports activities. Requirements for Bible awards and activity awards/skill awards are built into the weekly club time. The goal is to have children experience that Jesus Christ can change and impact all aspects of their lives tangibly.
Delta is also a wonderful place to develop good friendships.
VBS is a ministry outreach intended to teach children about God. Students in grades Kindergarten to 6 attend in the mornings for a week in the summer. After a snack, students have a supervised recess. VBS activities include Bible stories, skits, arts and crafts, games, prayer time, singing, and character-building activities. The week is a highlight for the students, our congregation, the community, and all persons involved.
Birthday Party for Jesus
This event is held on a Saturday afternoon in December for children ages 3 to 12. Crafts, cookie decorating, games, snacks, singing Christmas carols, and the Christmas story from the Bible are activities to help the children celebrate the birth of Jesus.