Like the threads in a tapestry, music is a thread deeply woven into the Christian community. Without music, our worship services would be incomplete, for the words of a hymn often draw us closer to God. Music is a natural and powerful aid to sermons; it is another form of preaching the Word. We have a rich heritage of hymn singing and musical presentations, and we delight in singing and playing instruments. Our music ministry is supported entirely by volunteers. Participation in each choir and each instrumental group is a free-will love offering by the assembled members. Whether it is by the human voice or by the voice of instruments in chorus, our church loves making a joyful noise unto the Lord.
Our Worship Choir is a mixed group of youth and adult singers, many of whom have been singing since they were children. The choir does not hold auditions but is open to all who love to sing and desire to serve the Lord in this way. The choir rehearses regularly. Choir songs vary and may include arrangements of familiar hymns, Church of God songs, or contemporary Christian songs. The choir performs regularly, including during special services such as Easter, Christmas, and church conventions.
In addition to our Worship Choir, the Children’s Choir sings for special events or on a regular but less frequent schedule than the Worship Choir. Rehearsals for these choirs take place 2-4 weeks before the songs are performed. Our mission is to allow all desiring to praise God through music to have that opportunity.
Choir members are encouraged to grow in their love for God and each other through the music ministry, “speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord” Ephesians 5:19.
We are blessed to have many musicians in our congregation. The Brass Band usually plays once a month as well as for special occasions. They play a mix of hymns and brass arrangements. The Orchestra, consisting of string and woodwind instruments, blesses the congregation with beautiful songs of praise. The Handbell group is sessional, presenting a service prelude approximately three times a year. Private instrument instruction at church for children and youth may be available. Please enquire at the email below.
Building on our rich musical heritage, our services are frequently enriched by duets, quartets, or small-group songs and/or musical specials, performed by congregants wanting to praise the Lord through music. We praise God for the beauty He shows us through music, and we rejoice in reflecting His glories back to Him through our service.
If you wish to participate in any of our music groups, please contact the Music Ministry Team by using the Contact Form below.