Children’s Ministry Team
Throughout the Gospels, Jesus showed how much He cared for children. When some brought their children to see Jesus, the apostles tried to keep them away. But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14). Then Jesus took the children in His arms and blessed them. We strive to follow His example by loving the children and bringing them to Jesus.
Through our programs, the children learn about the Bible and Christianity. We teach them about the love of Jesus, forgiveness and salvation, and the truths of the Bible. We encourage students to receive Jesus Christ as their Saviour, how to put what they know about being a Christian into practice in their daily lives, and how to worship God.
“We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord…so each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting His glorious miracles and obeying His commands.” Psalm 78: 4, 7 (NLT)
Sunday School – Sunday School is available for children ages 3 to Grade 6, and they are grouped in classes according to age. Registration is required for children to attend Sunday School so that they can be placed in the correct class and so that parents can be contacted in case of an emergency.
In Sunday School, we sing songs, pray, and learn from the Bible. Here, the children encounter, for example, the Ten Commandments, the Fruit of the Spirit, the Plan of Salvation, God’s love for all people, heroes of the Bible such as David and Ruth, and lessons from the life of Jesus.
Our Sunday School schedule alternates weekly between these two formats:
- One Sunday, all congregants start together in the sanctuary for the 10:00 AM worship service, and then the children and teachers leave for Sunday School before the sermon begins (approximately 10:30 AM). Sunday School ends at 11:15 AM.
- The next Sunday, Sunday School takes place after the worship service from 11:15 AM – 12:00 PM. Coffee and a time of fellowship are available for parents until the children are dismissed from Sunday School.
Holidays like Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day are special days for the Sunday School students. They have the opportunity to be an integral part of the worship service, reciting poems and Bible verses and singing songs.
DELTA – This stands for “Disciples Equipped for Life, Transformation, and Action” and is a children’s Bible club held on Friday evenings during the school year for students in Grades 1-6. DELTA is an interactive time that includes Bible exploration, worship, Bible memory, and activities. Bible awards and activity awards are built into the weekly club time. Space is limited and is quickly filled during registration in the late spring, and there is a small fee for each child to participate.
Vacation Bible School – VBS is a one-week ministry outreach for students in Kindergarten to Grade 6. It usually takes place the first week of July in the mornings. Children are taught about God, Jesus, and the Bible, and they hear Bible stories, learn Bible memory verses, and make crafts. The week is a highlight for the students, our congregation, and the community. Registration opens in April, and it is a free event.
Birthday Party for Jesus – This event is held on a Saturday afternoon in December for children ages 3 to Grade 6. Crafts, cookie decorating, games, snacks, singing Christmas carols, and listening to the Christmas story from the Bible are activities to help the children celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Safe Church Policy – We have implemented Safe Church policies and protocols with the safety of our children and youth in mind. All classrooms have large windows, there are student sign-in protocols, washroom policies and monitors, teacher and volunteer screening, as well as training sessions for staff. We desire that our children and youth come to know Jesus in a safe and loving environment.