Connections Ministry Team

We read throughout the Bible that mankind was created to be in a relationship with God and in relationship with each other. How can we connect with Christ and with the body of believers?
Our team’s purpose is to facilitate connections among our congregants, providing opportunities for get-togethers to foster unity through Christ-centered spiritual relationships. We also provide opportunities to connect with and serve our neighbourhood community of Keswick by showing the love of Jesus in word and in action.
Come Connect!
Events are open to all and usually do not require registration. Simply come! Check our church announcements or the church website or calendar for upcoming events. Some examples are Bible Trivia Night, potlucks throughout the year, the Easter Breakfast, Sunny Sundays in the Park, food drives, and more.
“Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NIV)